For our April
interview we meet with Robin of Montana!
truly loves needlework in many forms and we are delighted that she is sharing
her works with us today! From beginning
to end, it is a feast for the eyes in color and craft, of samplers, quilts,
knitting and more. Enjoy!
How old
were you when you first picked up a needle and who taught you to stitch?
*I didn’t have anyone in my life while I was growing up that did
needlework. It was all pre-destined in my mind and hands that I would do such
activity. I knew there was something, but how does a small child put their
thoughts into context of what it all means? Honestly, at 6 or 7 years old I
used to cut out the quilt block patterns from the Kansas City Star newspaper
when it would arrive at my grandparents house in southeast Colorado. I didn’t
know what I was going to do with them, but I knew I wanted them and I knew I
loved the word “quilt”.
We had a small fabric store in the downtown block that was called
Shulls Fabrics and a Woolworth Five and Dime store that had “embroidery stuff”.
I went into Shulls as a small child and
I can remember seeing the bright cotton embroidery threads and patterns, yarn, and
fabric (to the ceiling). Mr. Shull was a German speaking gentleman that cut
your fabric for you. I remember making a bee line for it when I was about 10,
with my babysitting money in my pocket, and I bought a blue Susan Bates hoop,
DMC or J&P Coats cotton, a package of two pillowcases, needles and I was
off and running. The package had instructions on how to do the stitches and
that is how I learned. I would eventually buy a stamped “sampler” with cross
stich on it or crewel stitches, but I don’t know what ever happened to those.
My mother was not a saver, she was a place for everything and everything in its
place lady and there were no mice in our house because the floors were spic and
That same year I taught myself to knit. There went the rest of the
babysitting money. The library was my friend for knitting stitch dictionaries.
I have to tell you a story. My brother and I were 18 months apart,
which made us mortal enemies. One year, while I was in high school, he drew my
name for the Christmas gift exchange. When I opened it and saw the stamped
dresser scarf, cottons, needles, hoop, I’m sure I cut my eyes at him and
mumbled thank you; but inside? It was THE best gift I could have ever
gotten. I knew my mom was behind it, but
it was never spoken out loud; my brother got one point.
Right before leaving for the U.S. Navy in 1979, I became friends
with a neighbor lady who had shown me all of her handmade quilts in her home. I
was speechless. Now I knew what I would do with the quilt block patterns…but I
was out of time. It was time to leave.
Fast forward through boot camp and schooling and I went to my first duty
station, Guam, as a Cryptologic Operator. There was a community center on our
base that was advertising quilt making! Eureka! I enrolled immediately and the
rest is history. My cross stitching method is based on the hand sewing of quilt
seams and quilting that I have done all of these years now. While on Guam, cross stitching was just
starting to become popular and I played around with a few smalls, but it didn’t
last. Then the Paula Vaughn patterns came out in the 1980’s, with some linen,
and I tried a few, but never finished them. That was the extent of cross stich
until now; until reproduction samplers.
Do you recall the first
sampler that you stitched?
*Yes, because it was so recent! The House on the Green Lawn Sampler
by Ramsgate Ltd.

I found this kit (pattern and fabric) in an antique store in Alpharetta,
Georgia in 1987. Since it was cute and
it was related to needlework, it came home with me, unopened. I was too busy quilting and knitting. Fast forward 25 years and as I was scrolling
through the blog roll on the blogs I read, I had to hit the mouse brake! I had
just seen the most beautiful piece of something in my life. It was Ann Dale by
Shakespeare’s Peddler and it had been stitched by a knitter, who I am sorry, I
can’t remember whose blog I saw it on. I
started searching for this old kit I had stashed because I thought if I
stitched it and it was something I really enjoyed doing, then I would purchase my
first pattern/linen/threads to do an Ann Dale.
I did love the process and that began my journey into samplers. I did not do Ann Dale next, though, I
stitched Ann Sandles. Because, you know, once you have started collecting
patterns, there are all kinds of possibilities!

When do you find time to
stitch? Do you sit in a set place and
what tools do you like to have on hand?
*I stitch every night, from about 7 -10. On the weekends I like to
start my day in the stitching room and will pop out for breakfast but then
stitch until lunch.
I use the regular tools; hoop, scissors, size 28 needles, seam
ripper, Ott Light, oh, and I can’t forget the stitching glasses. I keep all of
this on a wooden table tray that I can carry back and forth to whichever area I
am going to be stitching. There is a wooden cup screw in the side of it on
which I hang my thread bags. My Book of Days Needlework Calendar is always
within reach.
I have two stitching places. One is in my stitch room, in the
corner, with the light over my shoulder and my Sirius radio playing Frank
Sinatra and the mess in front of me, sometimes with a cat in the middle of it.
The other one is in the living room where I sit in my green chair and
can keep my husband company and watch Turner Classic Movies and the Atlanta
Braves baseball team…every day…every game.
Do you use the stick and
stab technique, or a sewing stitch?
*Sewing stitch. I will stick and stab when there is a need, for
instance when I do over one. I sew from right to left and complete each stitch
as I go, unless there is a need to do a return journey.
Do you prefer to stitch in
hand, or with a hoop or frame?
*Hoop first, in hand second
What is your favorite
linen and thread?
*I use 36 and 40 ct Lakeside Linen (all colors) and Newcastle 40 ct
(several colors) and Edinburgh 36 ct raw natural. I have recently discovered 34
ct Legacy from Access Commodities, and I have to say, it is wonderful.
I use silk thread 90% of the time, but when I want to use a
different count of linen, such as 32 or 34, I will use a double strand of dmc. I love their colors and sometimes I want a
heavier coverage. I have used overdyed cottons, but I find that I don’t get the
saturation of color that I prefer.
Do you like specialty
stitches and have a favorite?
*I like specialty stitches in a sampler, but not the whole
sampler. I am fond of the Queen Stitch
and the French Knot. I like freehand
embroidery, so I will say to you at this time that whatever it takes, I don’t
mind doing it…except marking stitch…oh, did I say that? LOL
What is your favourite
period of sampler-making and why?
*I am partial to the history of our country, so 17th, 18th,
19th century. These sampler patterns are a part of that
history. My maternal ancestors hail from
New England and some from up in Quebec (French trapper marries Indian princess
and eventually migrate south), so I am interested in that area of the country
for historical life style.
Which designs appeal to
you the most?
*Color rocks my world, I have to have it, just look at my stitching
room! So I go for the brighter samplers (Harriet Redfern, you are close to the
top of the que!). I am a folk lover at heart and red is my favorite in a
sampler. I love scenes, with houses, yards, fences, grass, animals, sun/moon,
American, Balch style, etc. I get all
giddy about larger than life people figures being bigger than the buildings and
a cow standing out from the other motifs, especially a spotted one or a blue
But, I also am attracted to Spot Samplers, which seem to be more
European than American. And I can’t forget the Saxony type of samplers; there
is something about those long, thin samplers with motifs on different apartment
levels that I really like.
Has working with reproduction samplers
given you any new insight into the lives of the girls and women in the
17-18-19th centuries that you did not realize before?
*The one new insight that I have learned is that there were even
samplers at all. I knew that girls learned to do embroidery, but I was not
aware that there was a whole world of samplers out there that had been
preserved and are in museums for us to enjoy.
How do you display your stitched samplers? Do
you frame them? Hang them singularly or in
*I only have one framed at this time. Right now my focus is the
stitching of the samplers. It encompasses my life. I have samplers being stored
in an archival box. I do take them out and put them in order of which ones to
frame next, but honestly, I would rather be stitching and spending money on the
patterns that will go out-of-print, or the linen that will no longer be
available, or the threads that will change dye lot if I don’t get them all at
once for a kit I’m doing.
Do you collect antique
samplers? Or have any other collections special to you?
*I do not collect antique samplers; I’m afraid I would need
smelling salts if I had access to antique samplers. But I love looking at them
every day, thanks to technology that enables us to enjoy them in computer form.
I collect reproduction sampler patterns; over 700, of which over 50
are Scarlet Letter and I do have some smalls and prims. Is there any one experienced out there that
could help me determine how many I need? LOL
I collect antique quilts, vintage tablecloths, embroidered pieces, wooden
dough bowls; and old books that are mysteries and are readable, hold a charm
for me too.
Does fabric, wool, quilting/knitting books count? Because if they do, I am the mecca of the
museum world for the future.
What other types of hand
work do you enjoy?
*Hand piecing/hand quilting, with red/green applique and scrap
quilts being my favorite. In recent years I had started to collect antique
quilts based on the feeling that I would get when I touched them. If I felt the
makers presence through my hands, I would buy it and then trace the block
pattern and reproduce it to try and keep the old patterns alive.
Here are two pictures of a few of mine that I have made. The first
one was photo bombed by HoneyBear.
Here is a picture of two of the antique quilts and the reproduced
hand pieced blocks that I made directly from the quilt top. The basket had been
green and faded to tan.
Knitting: my favorite being fair isle, aran or lace. I only use
wool and most of that is Shetland. A
dream of mine would be to travel to the Shetland Isles and give the sheep a
bear hug to thank them for giving us this renewable resource. A lace shawl in
homespun yarn (not spun by me) and a Fair Isle vest in Shetland Wool.
Spinning, Crochet, Embroidery, and Basket Making for a bit, but I
had to finally give something up; I needed sleep. Years ago I would sew all of our clothes,
man/woman/child, but I quit after clothing my first granddaughter.
Doll making. This one has an embroidered face, a circular shawl
that I started knitting and pulled off the needles to unravel and make look
forlorn, a knitted scarf, broken knitting needle being repurposed and the
bottom skirt is half of an embroidered table runner that had holes in it. This
doll represents Baby Doe Tabor. She died in a mine cabin, broke and destitute
after the big silver run in Leadville, Colorado back in the 19th
century. The face is embroidered, taken from a pattern from a book, the rest is
mine. My grandson is afraid of her so
she has to turn and face the wall when he is there.
Any guilty secrets to
*I will have water, coffee or Pepsi sitting next to me and more
times than not there is chocolate lurking. Oh, and I think this is taboo for
some people, but I do moisten the end of my thread before threading the needle.
What has been your worst
needlework disaster?
*Ugh, I was continually cutting my linen threads while frogging! I
know how to weave and fix it, but still!
Then I read this great tip about using a seam ripper instead of scissors
to remove your stitches (Hi Donna!). Now I go across the top of the row
catching just the top leg of the thread and then turn it over and pull the
stitches out. Whew, that nightmare is over.
I was usually frogging a color concern, not a mistake.
If you can pick just one,
which is your favorite sampler that you stitched? And why?
*I am going to have to go with Ann Rayner. I just couldn’t get
enough of her colors; so bright and beautiful. Look at those bigger than life people and
smaller house! My second favorite would be anything I’m stitching now.
What sampler are you
currently working on now? What do you most enjoy about
*Oh, did you actually mean “samplers”?
I am totally smitten with Mary Ann Hoover, The Essamplaire. I can’t
wait to get to all of those leaves, made out of lazy daisy stitches! The “e” in the word “renew” is giving me a
twitch and may be “fixed”.
Susan Singleton, Scarlet Letter.
Who doesn’t love the colors in this sweet sampler? And look at the difference in the size of
that deer to the house. Love it. Don’t pay any attention to the white in that
berry, I was experimenting and it will be changed. And remember, follow the pattern and not the
picture and your house will look like mine.
Sarah Williams, The Essamplaire. I am anxious to get to the little
dog, so I can make it a Welsh Pembroke Corgi, because after all this is a Welsh
sampler and Corgi’s come from Wales.
What other hobbies or
interests do you enjoy?
*We don’t travel long distances because we are home bodies. We live
in Montana, USA and are right in between Yellowstone National Park and Glacier
National Park, 2.5 to 3 hours either direction. So we can do a day trip or we
can stay a night; after that I get antsy because I want to be at home
We traveled to the Canadian Rockies a few years ago and I stopped
and visited Margriet Hogue (The Essamplaire) or I should say I stopped and
contributed to her income; no what I mean is that I was able to view and hold
the most beautiful pieces of needlework that I’ve ever seen. To see and hold
them in real life is a surreal experience. Piece after piece came out of that
box. I made my collection order immediately (I have no restraint) and now I
house many kits and patterns.
I read all of my patterns, all of the time, don’t you? They go to
bed with me, they come to work and get read at lunch. I take out a Scarlet
Letter pattern and start with the history of the sampler and then work my way
through “use 1 strand of silk” all the way to the end.
I am a 33 year Federal government employee and I am eligible to
retire next January, but I have decided to stay another 6 years after that,
until I am 62, just to make sure that I have a retirement that will support my
new passion of sampler stitching. At which time I will start living my other
dream of being a domestic goddess.
Thank you for all who do the research, the charting, the written
word. Thank you, Nicola, Krista, Jo, for administering the Scarlet Letter blog
and allowing us to share a part of our life and read about others; fascinating.
I return to the interviews on a frequent basis.
I do have a blog that is occasionally updated, if you are
Post Cards from a Montana Stitcher at
You will find bits and pieces of my hobbies, my grandkids and my
pets, Mr. Cooper the cat and HoneyBear the corgi.
Thank you so very much, Robin, for
sharing your story and love of stitching and needlework! Your enthusiasm and enjoyment of the craft can
be heard in your responses. Your
samplers and quilts are treasures! It is wonderful that these interviews really give us the stories behind the stitches and
we learn about the stitcher as if we are sitting with them having a cup of
coffee or tea. It makes such a large
world a little bit smaller.